Back to Business grant program application process available online

Video Credit: WXXVDT2
Published on June 11, 2020 -

Back to Business grant program application process available online

Mississippi is opening a grant program for small businesses affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

Back to Business grant program application process available online

- mississippi is opening a grant- program for small businesses- affected by the coronavirus - pandemic.

- gov.

Tate reeves says the - application process began at- noon today.

- the grants can cover mortgage - interest, rent, payroll,- utilities - and other expenses related to - the pandemic.

- they cannot cover businesses' - lost profits.

- the grants are funded by the- federal coronavirus - relief program.

- it's a program funded through - the cares act where small - businesses can be reimbursed fo- up to 25 thousand - dollars of expenses related to- covid-19.

- brandon atwell, one of the- owners of murkey waters - bar-b-q, tells us, fincianal- support and the support of the- community have kept his busines- aflot during these- unprecedented times.- - "we've worked this business up- for seven - years now and weve been through- hurricanes and the bp oil spill- and weve been - through all kinds of adversity- and to be taken down by the - coronavirus it was- - - - gonna be an awful blow so we ar- glad the goverment is stepping- in."- - - - governor reeves says this grant- is only for small businesses- with less than 50 employees..

N- major corporations- will be allowed to take part.

- you can go to back-to-business- m-s dot org for more- information.-

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