Oroville City Council discusses fiscal budget for next year

Video Credit: KHSL
Published on April 30, 2020 -

Oroville City Council discusses fiscal budget for next year

Oroville City Council met today and talked about projections for next year's fiscal budget as the coronavirus causes decreases in city revenue

Oroville City Council discusses fiscal budget for next year

### the oroville city council met today to talk about the city's fiscal budget projection for next year... action news now reporter brandon benitez joins us live in oroville with the latest... debbie, city budgets are based off the revenue they earn the previous fiscal year.

Oroville's budget for next year is expected to decrease because of the coronavirus... city council members believe there will be a 15 percent decrease to next year's budget... it's drop comes form the massive decrease in sales tax revenue with businesses staying shut down during the pandemic... fiscal director ruth duncan says at least 40- percent of the city's revenue came from sales tax leaving community members uncertain but still optimistic... joey tomlinson:01 -:14 oroville business owner/ resident i know that out city will get through it for sure, we've overcome a lot of things just this past couple months with the pandemic and everything and i know that's i spoke with council member eric smith earlier this afternoon.

He told me that oroville has been fiscally conservative so while times may be tough -- he's confident the city won't be as impacted negatively... also in the meeting they made it clear that their projections are based off of worst-case scenario numbers... projections can change based off advice and information that the city is receiving from sales tax experts... live in oroville brandon benitez action news now coverage you can count on... thanks brandon.

Oroville city council's next meeting will be next tuesday, may fifth... governor

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