Trump needs to be 'laser-focused' on keeping people employed: Biden

Video Credit: Reuters Studio
Published on April 7, 2020 - Duration: 01:39s

Trump needs to be 'laser-focused' on keeping people employed: Biden

Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden on Tuesday said he offered President Trump a '10-point plan' that would help provide relief to workers.

Trump needs to be 'laser-focused' on keeping people employed: Biden

"The president should be laser-focused on keeping as many people employed as possible and making workers financially whole so that we weather this crisis and come back stronger as a nation," Biden said from his Delaware home in an online address to the Pennsylvania chapter of influential union group AFL/CIO during its annual convention.

"Once we break the infection curve and stem this public health crisis, we're gonna face an immense job of rebuilding this economy, but we can do it," Biden added.

Biden is seeking his party's nomination to face Trump in the Nov.

3 election.

The outbreak has pushed Biden and rival Senator Bernie Sanders off the presidential campaign trail.

Biden has built a nearly insurmountable lead over Sanders in the delegates who will pick the nominee at the national convention this summer.

The convention, scheduled to be held in Milwaukee, has been postponed to August from July by the pandemic.

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