Adopt Smiley from the Jackson County Animal Shelter

Video Credit: WXXVDT2
Published on March 24, 2020 -

Adopt Smiley from the Jackson County Animal Shelter

As the Coronavirus continues to affect our daily lives, we can’t forget about local shelter pets.

Adopt Smiley from the Jackson County Animal Shelter

- as the coronavirus continues to- affect our daily- lives, we can't forget about ou- local shelter pets.

- we're practicing social - distancing here at news 25, tha- means it's- time for our pet of the week- - - - segment...from a distance.- this is smiley.

- she came in as a stray at the - jackson county animal shelter.- she is a medium-sized terrier - mix, about a year and a half- old, walks- great on a leash, loves dogs, - kids, and belly rubs, and is- - - - known at the shelter for her- smile!- adoption coordinator, maridee - mallette, urges - everyone to adopt or foster now- to help relieve the - shelter of animals in the case- they're forced to close - amid coronavirus concerns.- - "" ... wxxv >> now ... you ... will ... you ... again :-) and available for adoption along with- free microchip.

- come out and save a

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