Can diet cola, sugar free drinks cause cancer? Diabetes patients must keep away from aspartame, here's why

Credit: DNA- Published on July 17, 2023
Soft drinks like Coca-Cola, even Diet Coke, have a common ingredient called aspartame, which is an artificial sweetener used as a replacement for sugar.

Video credit: Veuer
Published on July 20, 2023 -  01:09
Experts Say WHO Caused Unnecessary Alarm With Recent Artificial Sugar Announcement
Earlier this month The World Health Organization declared that Aspartame, a low-calorie sweetener found in many popular โ€œdietโ€ or โ€œsugar freeโ€ drinks, could be carcinogenic to humans. The research found that the artificial sweetener could possibly cause liver cancer.ย  HuffPost reports that experts, along with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, have since criticized the recent announcement, arguing that it may cause unnecessary alarm.

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