Not safe for work

NSFW: Internet slang term

Not safe for work (NSFW) is Internet slang or shorthand used to mark links to content, videos, or website pages the viewer may not wish to be seen viewing in a public, formal, or controlled environment. The marked content may contain graphic violence, pornography, profanity, nudity, slurs, or other potentially disturbing subject matter. Environments that may be problematic include workplaces, schools, and family settings. NSFW has particular relevance for people trying to make personal use of the Internet at workplaces or schools that have policies prohibiting access to sexual and graphic subject matter. Conversely, safe for work (SFW) is used for links that do not contain such material, especially where the title might otherwise lead people to think that the content is NSFW.

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Kiss the days of the family-friendly Kiss Cam goodbye ... there was another NSFW moment, courtesy of two Sacramento Kings fans, who used their screen time for..
Credit: - Published 1 week ago

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