
Shaivism sect founded in 12th century

The Lingayats are a monotheistic religious sect of Shaivism within Hinduism. Lingayats are also known as liṅgāyataru, liṅgavanta, vīraśaiva, liṅgadhāri. Lingayats are known for their unique practice of Ishtalinga worship, where adherents carry a personal linga symbolizing a constant, intimate relationship with Parashiva. A radical feature of lingayats is their staunch opposition to the caste system and advocacy for social equality, challenging societal norms of the time. Its philosophical tenets are encapsulated in Vachanas, a form of devotional poetry. The tradition also emphasizes Kayaka (work) and Dasoha (service) as forms of worship, underscoring the sanctity of labor and service to others. Unlike mainstream Hinduism, Lingayats reject scriptural authority of vedas, puranas, superstition, astrology, vedic priesthood ritualistic practices, and the concept of rebirth, promoting a direct, personal experience of the divine.

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