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Kerala State Human Rights Commission
Indian state human rights ombudsman
{{Infobox law enforcement agency
| agencyname = Kerala State Human Rights Commission
| nativename = കേരള സംസ്ഥാന മനുഷ്യാവകാശ കമ്മീഷൻ
| nativenamea =
| nativenamer =
| commonname =
| patch =
| patchcaption =
| logo =
| logocaption =
| badge =
| badgecaption =
| flag =
| flagcaption =
| imagesize =
| motto =
| mottotranslated =
| formed = 11 December 1998(Notification: S.R.O No. 1066/1998 Dt: 11-12-98)
| preceding1 =
| employees =
| volunteers =
| budget =
| country =
| federal = Yes
| map =
| mapcaption =
| sizearea =
| sizepopulation =
| legaljuris = Kerala
| governingbody =
| governingbodyscnd =
| constitution1 =
| restriction =
| overviewtype =
| overviewbody =
| headquarters = Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
| website = Official website
| hqlocmap =
| hqlocleft =
| hqloctop =
| hqlocmappoptitle =
| sworntype =
| sworn =
| unsworntype =
| unsworn =
| electeetype =
| minister1name =
| minister1pfo =
| chief1name = [[ K. Byjunath]
| chief1position = Acting Chairperson
| chief2name = V. K. Beena Kumari
| chief2position = Member
| chief3name =
| chief3position
| parentagency =
| child1agency =
| unittype =
| unitname =
| officetype =
| officename =
| stationtype =
| stations =
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