Work (human activity)

Activities performed as a means of support

Work or labour is the intentional activity people perform to support the needs and wants of themselves, others, or a wider community. In the context of economics, work can be viewed as the human activity that contributes towards the goods and services within an economy.

Work (human activity) News and Videos   LIVE

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The last time there was a change in the main party of government an outgoing Labour minister famously left a note saying "I'm afraid there is no money". Never..
Credit: Sky News - Published 5 days ago

Labour is asking company bosses to sign a letter backing the partyโ€™s plan for a new Skills and Growth Levy, days after controversy erupted over its claim of..
Credit: Sky News - Published 6 days ago

The Green Party has accused Labour of failing to offer "the real change" voters need as it launched its general election campaign in Bristol.
Credit: Sky News - Published 1 week ago

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