Aga Syed Ruhullah Mehdi

Indian politician

Aga Syed Ruhullah Mehdi is an Indian politician from Jammu and Kashmir. He is a well known Shia cleric succeeding his father Aga syed Mehdi. He is ex-MLA Budgam as well as a former cabinet minister. In July 2020, he resigned from the post of chief spokesman of NC.Aga Syed Ruhullah won three times legislative assembly election's from budgam constituency. Ruhullah mehdi is the grandson of Aga Syed Mustafa and also the nephew of Aga Syed Hassan Al Safvi Al Mosvi president of Anjuman-e-Sharie Shian. Ruhullah Mehdi holds a Master's degree in Political Science from Aligarh University.

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