Moana 2

2024 film by Walt Disney Animation Studios

Moana 2 is a 2024 American animated musical adventure film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. The second installment in the Moana film series, it was directed by David Derrick Jr., Jason Hand, and Dana Ledoux Miller from a screenplay by Jared Bush and Miller. Auliสปi Cravalho, Dwayne Johnson, Temuera Morrison, Nicole Scherzinger, Rachel House, and Alan Tudyk reprise their roles from the first film, with Hualฤlai Chung, Rose Matafeo, David Fane, Awhimai Fraser, Khaleesi Lambert-Tsuda, and Gerald Ramsey joining the cast. Set three years after the first film, it follows the titular character reuniting with the demigod Maui and assembling a wayfinding crew to find the lost island of Motufetu, break its curse, and reconnect the people of the ocean.

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Disney is being sued over Moana and Moana 2, with an animator claiming the films copied plot points from one of their screenplays.
2 days ago • Sky News

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