Gillibrand pushes for restaurant assistance

Video Credit: WKTV
Published on October 20, 2020 -

Gillibrand pushes for restaurant assistance

U.S. Sen.

Kirsten Gillibrand are calling for legislation to help independent restaurants that have been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.

Gillibrand pushes for restaurant assistance

And staant owners are calling for bipartisan leglation help independent restaurants survive an economic crisis with capacity restrictions still in place.

As the colder weather begins to limit outdoor dining... restaurants are facing growing uncertainty.

Plus -- a predicted uptick in coronavirus cases this winter could also threaten to bring even more restrictions.

Gillibrand says her ''restaurants act'' would create a 120- billion dollar revitalization fund for struggling restaurants.

2:33;11 2:59;02 :25 .small busess like restaurts arethe liy provides one trillion dollars to boost the economy every year.

Restaurants provide businesses to farmers, fisherman, and food suppliers.

They are anchors of main streets and community hubs acrossew york.

And ey generate millionof jobsacross t/ giibrand says befe thecovid criw yorkers worked in a restaurant or had another food service job.

New york -22.

I sit down with anthony

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